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Primary School

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St John's Catholic

Primary School

Spring 1 overview


Our theme for this half-term is Earth and Space.


We will be exploring our Solar System and looking at the science of the universe. Our work will focus on the Earth, Sun and Moon, looking at their sizes, positions and relationships to one another. The topic has fantastic links with English, Science and Design and Technology. 


As part of our learning we hope to visit Rossall School Planetarium.



We will complete a narrative unit of work focusing on legends. The children will read a variety of legends and write their own.


We will also complete a unit of work focused on writing persuasively linked to the UK.


In reading, we will study Wonder by R.J Palacio. This is a brilliant book with lots of important messages.


Our focus in grammar is parenthesis and expanded noun phrases.


Please continue to read regularly with your child and sign their diaries three times per week.


Spellings will continue weekly and will be posted onto Seesaw.


Initially, we will complete our learning on multiplication and division before moving to fractions.


The children will identify, compare, order, add and subtract fractions. They will develop their ability to recognise mixed numbers and improper fractions and learn how to multiply proper fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers.


In addition, the children will complete their work on shape with Mrs Donnelly.


Throughout lessons, the children will apply their learning in problem solving situations and be encouraged to explain their understanding.



In our RE work we are following the scheme 'The Way, The Truth and The Life'. Our new topic will be 'Inspirational People.' The children will look at Jesus as an inspirational figure and how he has inspired others to follow his example. We will cover key scriptures from the bible including The Beatitudes.


We will continue to worship and pray daily and each week a group of children will lead a class liturgy. 




The children will learn about the movement of the Earth, and other planets, relative to the Sun. We will study the Sun, Earth and Moon in detail and carry out various scientific investigations. In order to support our learning, we hope to visit Rossall Planetarium. 



P.E ready days will be Tuesday and Wednesday. We will complete our second unit of gymnastics on Tuesday afternoons. On Wednesday mornings we will work with Fleetwood Town on a unit entitled, "Born To Move."





In Computing lessons, the unit looks at how a flat-file database can be used to organise data in records. Pupils use tools within a database to order and answer questions about data. They create graphs and charts from their data to help solve problems. They use a real-life database to answer a question, and present their work to others.

Design and Technology


During Design and Technology, the children will design and create model satellites. They will work collaboratively and need to explain and reflect upon their design choices.



All the learning in this unit is focused around the song "Dancing in the Streets" by Martha and the Vandellas.





The children will continue to follow the Minimus scheme with Mrs Donnelly.


Relationships and Health Education


We will continue to work through the 'Life to the Full scheme'


We will complete Spring 1 - UKS2 Module 2 unit sessions 1,2 and 3.


You may want to have a look at some of the resources we will be using:


Below is a link To access the online parent platform:

School Username: st-johns-fy6

School Password: john-6

Learning Log


This half term I would like the children to make a model of the solar system. I will provide them with some ideas during class. Please could this be handed in by Thursday 8th February.

Thank you for your continued support. Please do not hesitate to contact me.


Mr P. McGrath

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