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St John's Catholic

Primary School

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St John's Catholic

Primary School

2021 - 2022

Curriculum Time:

Healthy Heads for all classes


After School Clubs:  

KS2 Tag Rugby

KS2 Basketball

KS1 Football

KS1 Multi Skills

Football with Fleetwood

Dance with Kathryn and HA



KS1 Multi Skills

Year 3/4 Basketball

Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics

Year 5/6 Football

Poolfoot Affiliation Fee



Lancashire PE Passport Membership

PE Passport Update

Getting to Grips with PE at KS2

Wyre and Fylde SSP PE and School Sport Conference


This year (2021-22) our school plans to use the funding (c£18610 per annum).

  • Provide a Wake Up Shake Up morning class for KS1 children to encourage the development of Fundamental Movement Skills. (Cost £900 Sep 2021 – Aug 2022);
  • Broaden access to swimming  – our Year 4, 5 and 6  children will have some swimming experience at the YMCA Pool during this school year;
  • Our Year 6 children will have access to a two night residential visit to Borwick Hall;
  • Welcome coaches from local clubs into school to provide extra opportunities for children at Football – including Fleetwood Town membership enabling access to training sessions and local competitions via Wyre and Fylde School Sports Partnership (Total cost: £1050);
  • Provide Lunch Time sports clubs via Fleetwood Town (Total cost: £2400);
  • Bikeability Training for Year 6 children;
  • Provide staff training in the implementation of the (Sept 2014) National Curriculum for P.E. to ensure that our children continue to access high quality provision. This focus on staff professional development means that we have the capacity to continue to improve in a sustainable way. (Total training costs: £2100 incl supply cover)

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