Early Years Foundation Stage
EYFS Parents' Reading Workshop PPT
What to expect in the EYFS
The St John's EYFS Curriculum intends to:
- provide a Catholic setting in which all children can grow in understanding, acquiring valuable skills, knowledge, attitudes and values;
- foster a growth of commitment to the love and service of Christ through the teaching and practices of the Catholic Church;
- educate the whole child; assisting in the formation of happy, confident, caring, responsible citizens who know themselves and the world in which they live;
- shape today's children to meet tomorrow's challenges in an ever-changing world;
- address the requirements of the EYFS by resourcing curriculum areas sufficiently to create a wide range of exciting learning opportunities;
- strive for the highest possible standards of behaviour and all-round achievement;
- help children respond creatively to a range of cultural experiences.
St John’s EYFS curriculum is implemented through:
- careful mapping of the requirements of the EYFS through meaningful and exciting units of learning;
- structured sequences of teaching which build upon children’s prior experiences, knowledge and skills whilst introducing new ideas, vocabulary and concepts in a timely way;
- a flexible approach allowing for children’s needs and motivations to be recognised and valued;
- a balance of adult-led and child-led learning;
- the opportunity for skills and knowledge to be embedded and revisited;
- careful ongoing assessment ensuring we respond to the needs of our children;
- an active, play based approach to learning – exploration of ideas and problem solving;
- an environment that supports learning and independence both indoors and outdoors;
- knowledgeable staff who plan next steps for children and develop positive characteristics of learning;
- opportunities for learning beyond the classroom – strong links with home, other educational partners and the local community.
We want children leaving EYFS and entering Y1 to:
- understand the teachings of Jesus by engaging in prayer and retelling some Bible stories, with an understanding of the messages for us;
- have made good progress from their starting points;
- be engaged, confident and happy learners who approach challenges with determination and resilience, asking for help when necessary;
- be polite, friendly and caring members of the school community;
- have developed and secured a range of skills and knowledge across the curriculum;
- have developed greater independence and self-awareness;
- be ready for entering Year 1, the next stage in their learning journey;
- have mastered the basics of early reading and maths; most having secured these EYFS ELGs.