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St John's Catholic

Primary School

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St John's Catholic

Primary School

Spring 1

The pupils in Year 6 are developing into well-motivated, hardworking students. They are expected to exhibit the highest possible standards of behaviour and schoolwork. We will continue to encourage your children to develop personal organisational skills, self-discipline and a greater degree of independence. During this term we will be revising work in preparation for our SATs in May – week beginning 12.05.25. I will be sending homework and giving further examples of commercial schemes which may be useful for revision purposes.


In R.E. Year Six will be following the topic 'Exploring the Mass’. Children will continue to prepare their own collective worship as well as saying the more formal prayers. 


In English, the children will focus on writing a short story with flashbacks. For the second half of term, children will study a poetry unit: Songs and lyrics. As always, the children will work consistently towards a high standard of cursive handwriting.  


In reading, the children will continue to study a novel (Kensuke’s Kingdom). They will concentrate on comprehension, developing their knowledge of vocabulary and inference.

Please continue to hear your child read out loud at least 3 times a week and sign their reading records each time. English homework will continue to be given on Mondays and Wednesdays. 


During maths lessons, the children’s work will include converting measures, ratio and algebra. They will also continue to develop their understanding of fractions, decimals and percentages.

Maths homework will continue to be given on Fridays. 


In geography lessons, the children will be focusing on North America. They will use their mapping and research skills to learn about North America. 


The science unit of work this half term is light. The children will participate in experiments and draw conclusions from their findings. 


In computing and design technology, the children will learn about 3D modelling. They will use software to design and create projects using a 3D printer.


P.E. lessons will continue to develop their skills in tag rugby. The children will also build upon their gymnastic skills. The children will also complete their ‘Bikeability’ course on Tuesday 21st and 28th January.


In Latin, the children will follow the Minimus scheme.


I look forward to your support during this busy term.


Mrs C Moseley

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