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St John's Catholic

Primary School

The Governing Board

The Chair of the Governing Board is Mrs Carol Gregson c/o:

St John's Catholic Primary School

Breck Road




Information about each governor including full name, date of appointment, term of office and who appointed them may be found on the Get Information About Schools website:
Get Information About Schools:

Chair: Mrs Carol Gregson

Vice Chair: Mrs Christina Williamson

Resources Committee:

Fr Peter Sharrock (Chair), Mr N Cassidy, Mr A Jarvis, Mrs S Feeney, Mr E Statham, Mrs N Sayers

Standards and Effectiveness Committee:

Mrs Christina Williamson (Chair), Mrs C Birch, Mrs C Greenwood, Mrs C Gregson, Mrs J Ronson, Fr P Sharrock, Ms N Sayers

Admissions Committee: Mrs Carol Gregson (Chair), Fr P Sharrock, Mrs N Sayers

Dismissal/Complaints: 3 untainted governors

Appeals Committee: 3 untainted governors

HT Appraisal: Mrs Carol Gregson (Chair), Mrs C Williamson, +1

Pay Committee: Fr Peter Sharrock (Chair), Mrs S Feeney +1 governor

Pay Appeals: Mrs Christina Williamson (Chair) + 2 untainted governors

Nominated Governors:

Child Protection/Safeguarding/Online safety/Prevent = Mrs S Feeney

Health and Safety Governor = Mr E Statham

Wellbeing governor = Mrs S Feeney

RE = Mrs C Gregson

RHE = Fr P Sharrock

SEN, English = Mrs C Williamson

Mathematics = Mrs Greenwood

Training Link = Mrs J Ronson

Arts = Mrs C Birch



  • There are no relevant business or pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests)
  • Governance roles in other educational institutions: none
  • Material interests arising from relationships between governors or relationships between governors and school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): none


2023-24 Full Governing Board Meeting

% Attendance:

G Almond  100%

C Birch 100%

N Cassidy 100%

S Feeney 66.7% 

C Gregson 100%

A Jarvis 100%

J Ronson 66.67%

Fr P Sharrock 100%

E Statham 100%

C Williamson 66.67%


2023-24 Standards and Effectiveness Committee Meeting

% Attendance:

G Almond 100%

C Birch 100%

C Gregson 100%

J Ronson 100%

Fr P Sharrock 100%

C Williamson 100%


2022-23 Resources Committee Meeting

% Attendance:

G Almond 100%

S Feeney 66.7%

Fr P Sharrock 100% 

E Statham 100%

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