Spring 1 Overview
The pupils in Year 6 are developing into well-motivated, hardworking students. They are expected to exhibit the highest possible standards of behaviour and schoolwork. We will continue to encourage your children to develop personal organisational skills, self-discipline and a greater degree of independence. During this term we will be revising work in preparation for our SATs in May – week beginning 08.05.23. I will be sending homework and giving further examples of commercial schemes which may be useful for revision purposes.
In R.E. we will be following the topic 'Exploring the Mass’. Children will continue to prepare their own collective worship as well as saying the more formal prayers.
In English, we will focus on classic fiction. The children will study the classic novel ‘Alice in Wonderland’, looking at the language used in particular. At the end of the unit, children will plan and write a new chapter for the book. For the second half of term, children will study a poetry unit: Songs and lyrics.
English homework will continue to be given on Mondays and Wednesdays.
In Maths our work will include:
- Converting measures
- Ratio
- Algebra
We will also continue to revise the full range of maths topics in preparation for the SATs in May.
Maths homework will continue to be given on Fridays.
In geography lessons we will be focusing on North America. We will use our mapping and research skills to learn about North America.
The science unit of work this half term is light. They will participate in experiments and draw conclusions from their findings.
In computing, the children will use ‘Discovery Coding’ to program script. Children will develop their coding skills.
P.E. lessons will develop hockey skills. The children will also work towards building a class dance based on the theme of heroes and villains.
Our art unit of work will focus on using watercolours to create a 'sea-scape' piece in the style of Turner.
In Latin, the children will study two units: 'a soldier's life' and 'how beautiful!'. They will also be practising using Latin in conversations.
I look forward to your support during this busy term.
Mrs C Moseley