Spring 1 - 2025
Timetable and Overview
In RE this half term we are going to be reflecting on what it means to be part of a family, focusing specifically on our church family. We will also be looking at Jesus’ visit to the temple. This will help us to begin to understand why we say Jesus is the Light of the World. We will also begin to learn about some of the Christian celebration that happen in church.
We are recapping 'Yukky Feelings', and discussing what might happen that would make us feel sad, scared or worried. We are going to talk about appropriate programmes and games we watch and play, and identify trusted grown ups that we can talk to if we have any 'yukky feelings'.
In English this half term we are going to be focusing on two tradition tales: Cinderella and Snow White. During our work on Cinderella we will be focusing on developing our descriptive writing as well as planning and writing a diary entry from the ball. During our work on Little Snow White we will be focusing on using punctuation appropriately in our sentences. We will also be working on creating a drama piece to act out the story. We will create a Non-Fiction piece of text: How to Train a Dragon.
We are looking at numbers 11 to 20 in Maths. We are identifying the tens and ones in numbers up to 20, and learning how to group objects to count them quickly and correctly.
In Science this half term we will be learning about our bodies. We will learn about how we can use our bodies for different activities. We will also develop our knowledge on the five senses by focusing on a different sense each week.
In Geography this half term we will be learning about the counties of the UK, developing learning beyond children’s immediate locality. We will also explore the UK by looking at individual counties, capital cities, human and physical features. Alongside this we will also be comparing and contrasting the capital cities of London and Brasilia.
In Art this half term we will be learning about the artist, Lowry. We will learn about who he was, where he came from and the style of his drawings and paintings.
In Music this half term our topic is ‘In The Groove’. Throughout the half term we will explore six different styles of music – Blues, Latin, Folk, Funk, Baroque and Bhangra.
In PE this half term we will be exploring the different moves in gymnastics. We will then move onto working on one of the fundamental skills, kicking.