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St John's Catholic

Primary School

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St John's Catholic

Primary School

Overview - Spring Term

In Class 3 we are continuing towards setting a high standard of work across the curriculum – already there has been a significant improvement in the care children are taking in the presentation of their work. We will continue to develop and encourage the children’s independence. The Spring term will see us covering the following topics: 



Stig of the Dump by Clive King


Adverbials, speech punctuation and continued sentence work


Multiplication and division, fractions


Jesus' life, Desert to Garden


Rocks and Soils, Muscles, bones and keeping healthy


Stone Age to Iron Age Britain


Volcanoes and Earthquakes


Dance and Gymnastics



In R.E. we will be following the topics: 

Galilee to Jerusalem:

In which we will learn more about Jesus' life, the people He met and the miracles He performed. 


Desert to Garden:

Where we will learn about the later years of Jesus' life, The Last Supper, The Mass, The Eucharistic prayer and the Sacrament of Reconciliation.



In English, we will be studying 'Stig of the Dump' which fits in with our history work on the Stone Age. 

Our Guided Reading and Comprehension will be based on information books on rocks and soils and volcanoes along with other relevant texts with a similar theme.

In our writing the children will write their own stories based on Stig. Our grammar focus will be on prepositions, dialogue, paragraphs and developing more complex sentences using conjunctions.

Spellings will continue to be sent home on Mondays and tested each following Monday. In class we will continue to look at spelling patterns and a wider range of suffixes.



In Mathematics we will continue work on  multiplication and division and consolidation of our times tables. Other topics including money,  shape, angles and time. We will be looking at fractions and applying learning to real life situations particularly ‘problems’ relating to money and time. 





In Science we will be studying rocks and soils and investigating and classifying different types of rocks. We will be looking at the different soil and rock layers beneath our feet. We will become 'Rock Detectives' trying to uncover how various rocks are formed, how fossils give us clues about the past and how soils can be different. 

 In the second half of the term we will be studying 'Skeletons and muscles' and how to keep healthy, comparing our food to that of Stone Age man.



In History we will be increasing our knowledge and understanding of the past by studying 'The Stone Age'. Early in the term we will further develop our understanding of chronology and duration.

The Stone Age covers a huge period of time and includes the Ice Age so it will be important to maintain our awareness of the wider chronology throughout. We will find out about how early man developed to become farmers. Our work will include studying Skara Brae and Stonehenge.




 This term we will be exploring the ground under our feet. We will investigate what causes  earthquakes and volcanoes and how they impact our lives and the environment. After half-term we will move  on to exploring one of the most beautiful parts of our country - The Lake District. 





Work planned for P.E. will include  dance choreographed and performed in conjunction with our work on Rocks, soils, earthquakes and volcanoes. We will also be developing our rolls, travels and balances in gymnastics. After half-term we will be focusing on Striking and Fielding in Rounders and Invasion games in Dodgeball.



In Computing we will be reinforcing online safety skills and how to use technology responsibly. We will begin our Year 3 coding work by sequencing sounds using Scratch.

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