English, Reading & Phonics
What our children think about English:
I really like English because it helps you to improve your reading and your grammar.
I really like English because we get to write stories and bring characters of our own to life.
I like writing stories of lots of different types.
I like English because no matter what the theme of the piece of writing you are doing, you can always express yourself with anything you find at the back of your brain. In my opinion, English is a piece of art put into words.
I like English because I like reading stories and using them as an influence to write my own.
A selection of English displays around school.
We like to use 'Working Walls' in English which we add to as the children learn. Key vocabulary is on display in classrooms as are examples of our children's wonderful work.
We are raising the profile of reading in our school.
Poetry in Reception Class
The children in Reception class have been learning poems by heart using 'The Poetry Basket'. They performed their poetry to the rest of the school during assembly.