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St John's Catholic

Primary School

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School Logo

St John's Catholic

Primary School

Complaints Procedure

In the first instance, please speak to your child's teacher or to Ms Almond if you have any concerns or complaints. We have an open-door policy at the end of the school day for parents to speak to a member of staff. Members of staff are also available to talk to by calling school and arranging a mutually convenient time to talk on the telephone or to meet in person.


 If you feel you have not received a satisfactory conclusion, attached is a copy of the school's complaints procedure. If you need a paper copy, please contact the school office for it to be provided to you, free of charge. 


The Chair of Governors is Mrs C Gregson, the Vice Chair is Mrs C Williamson, the Clerk to Governors is Mrs D Holland, all of whom may be contacted if needed, when following the complaints procedure, via the school office. 


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