PE and Sporting Activities

Sports Council
These are the wonderful children who help to organise many sporting events throughout the school year, along with discussing the ways in which we can improve P.E. and school sport here at St John's.
At St John's we want our pupils to get the best experience from their sports and P.E. lessons, therefore we continue to appoint a school sports council to help make decisions along side the teachers to maintain a positive attitude towards school sport. The children behave very maturely in our meetings and want the very best out of our P.E. lessons in school and are very motivated to ensure that we have all the right elements in place to ensure lessons are as fun and enjoyable as they possibly can be!
Alongside Miss Appleyard, pupils will be involved in:
-Helping to organise Intra-School competitions-
-Helping to ensure our achievements are shared with the rest of the school-
-Ensure that the school sports notice board is up to date with results-
-Be a representative for the rest of the school to put ideas and opinions forward-
-There may be opportunities for pupils to attend leadership meetings to develop their skills and share ideas-
-Pupils will have their own sports councillor badge to wear proudly around school-
- They will help to organise and run both Sports Days-
Pupils will be helped every step of the way with their role and new sports councillors will be appointed each academic year.
This is a fantastic opportunity for the pupils of St John's to further their leadership skills and have an input in their sporting development throughout the school.
Well done to the KS2 Dance Team for representing our school in the County Finals Dance Competition at the Winter Gardens in May 2023. Congratulations to the winners of the competition. We look forward to taking part again in November and January 2024.
Well done to Year 4 for taking part in the WFSSP Multi-Skills Competition at Rossall Highschool in March. All children worked well as a team and enjoyed the different races at the event.
Well done to Year 3 and 4 girls who took part in the Football Competition at Poolfoot Farm!
All classes took part in Yoga Sessions during our Mindfulness Day in March 2023. We enjoyed learning the different poses and breathing techniques to keep us calm.
Well done to Year 5 and 6 for taking part in the Sportshall Athletics at Rossall High School in January. They came 2nd place and represented St John's in the Sportshall Athletics Finals at Stanley Park in March.

Well done to the Dance Team for taking part in and WINNING the Wyre and Fylde Dance Competition 2023 at The Blackpool Tower Ballroom. We now continue to rehearse hard ready for the regional finals at The Winter Gardens in May!

Clubs this Half Term:
(Summer 1)
KS2 Football (Mondays)
KS2 Dance (Wednesdays)
KS2 Cricket (Thursdays)
Clubs next Half Term:
(Summer 2)
KS2 Football (Mondays)
Year One Multi-Sports (Wednesdays)
Reception Multi-Skills (Thursdays)
KS2 Cricket (Thursdays)