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St John's Catholic

Primary School

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St John's Catholic

Primary School

Latest News



Ancient Egyptian Trip to Bolton Museum

Some examples of passport covers the children created in D.T.

Science Week - Time

World Book Day

Big Sing - Lowther Pavilion, Lytham

Crazy Hair Day

Story Telling Week


Some of our Black History Month Work

We went to visit our School History Timeline before starting our topic of 'The Great Plague'

Our school Remembrance Assembly

Some of our 3D D.T. Illumination Models

Year 4 leading our Harvest Festival Service in Church

During our 'One World Week', we were learning about Judaism and had a visit on zoom by a Rabbi.

Prayer and Liturgy

Yellow Day

Food Hygiene Safety Course


World Book Day 2023

Mental Health and Mindfulness.

BOOK SWAP. We all brought a book in from home to hide around the school with the Year 3 children. We then went and found one of the hidden books to take home.

Teeth Talk. We had a dentist come into our classroom to talk to us about the importance of keeping our teeth nice and healthy.

In R.E. we have been looking at the first disciples that Jesus called to follow him, Simon Peter and Andrew. The children did a drama to retell the story.

In science, we have been looking at teeth. We did an experiment on eggs (acting like the enamel of our teeth) where we put vinegar, coke and water, as well as toothpaste on the eggs to see how it affected them and the importance of brushing our teeth.

Year 3/4 Christmas Party

In our P.E. lesson, we have been working on a dance related to 'The Great Plague' which links to our studying of it in history.

Some of our children were involved in the Advent Concert in Church

We have been loving learning about ABBA in our Charanga music lessons. We have listened to many of ABBA's popular songs and learnt how to sing and play, on glockenspiel, Mamma Mia.

Open Afternoon for Parents where we learnt about Remembrance and created our own Remembrance wreaths.

Harvest Festival Led by Year 4

Shakespeare Workshop linked to 'The Tempest' with Hal

Food Hygiene Visit Ready for Salad Serving

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