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St John's Catholic

Primary School

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St John's Catholic

Primary School

Autumn 1

In Year 6, we have probably the biggest and hopefully the best and most hard-working pupils in the school. They are the standard bearers for St. John's. We expect them to exhibit the highest possible standards of behaviour and school work. As this is their final year in primary school, pupils will be encouraged to develop personal organisational skills, self-discipline and a greater degree of independence.


In R.E. we will be following the R.E. scheme called 'The Way, the Truth and the Life'. Our topic this term is 'The Kingdom of God'. Pupils will continue to prepare their own collective worship as well as saying formal prayers. We will be celebrating Harvest with appropriate liturgies and drama.


Our English unit for the first half term is based on 'The Nowhere Emporium'. We will study this novel and innovate a story based on its structure. This magical theme will continue into creating a balanced argument focusing on using animals in the circus. 


Please continue to hear your child read out loud at least 3 times a week and sign their reading records each time. 


In maths our number work will focus on place value to ensure we have a clear grasp of number. We will then move onto the four number operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The children will be exploring both mental and written methods. The children will be expected to continue practising their times tables to assist them in their daily learning.


In geography the children will be learning about coasts. They will learn about coastal landforms and sea defences, studying specific case studies. This will link to their mapping skills.


Our science topic for this half term is electricity. 


In computing, the children will learn about computing systems and networks. They will consider how we communicate responsibly.


In art, the children will be developing their drawing skills.


Our P.E. sessions will be focused on developing skills which can be used in a game of hockey. The children will also have an athletics session.


PSHE lessons will be led by Fleetwood Town and will focus on 'Healthy Heads'.


As you can see, we are going to have a very busy half term. I look forward to meeting you all and thank you in advance for your support.


Mrs Moseley

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