Summer 2 overview
Our topic is 'Other Faiths.' We will study the Jewish and Islamic faiths in particular. It is incredibly important for the children to know about and show respect for all beliefs. Throughout our learning we will make links with the Christian faith.
We will continue to pray and worship daily. This will be led by staff and the children.
Our English work will focus on story writing and poetry.
Our grammar work will focus on commas and ensuring our writing is cohesive.
Weekly spellings and activities will continue with a test each Friday.
The children will apply their writing skills to complete several adventure style stories. We will focus in particular on detailed setting and character description.
We will study a range of poems with figurative language. These will include:
- Winter Morning by Sue Cowling.
- Winter and Snow by Vasko Popa.
- A Poem to be Spoken Silently by Pie Corbett.
- Sunset by Gina Douthwaite.
- Smiles Like Roses by Helen Dunmore.
- Cat Began by Andrew Matthews.
- Don’t be Scared by Carol Ann Duffy.
We will also continue to read and study our class book, 'Holes' by Louis Sachar.
Please encourage your children to continue to read at least three times per week and sign their diary.
This half term we will work on converting units of measurement and decimals. We will also consolidate our learning from Year 5. This will include revision of the broad topics of:
Throughout our learning, we will continue to develop and improve our ability to problem solve and explain our reasoning.
In addition, we will continue to practise basic arithmetic working for speed and accuracy.
In Science, we will learn all about properties and changes of materials. The children will also focus on humans. They will learn about how we change and develop throughout our lives.
The children will also revise some of the key learning covered during the Year 5 curriculum.
Mrs Donnelly will teach this on a Thursday morning.
This half term we will focus on athletics, tennis and rounders. We will also prepare for sports day which is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 2nd July.
In History we will learn about the Early Islamic Civilisation. We will learn about the significance and importance of Baghdad and why it developed into such a major world power. In addition, we will find out about the House of Wisdom and some of the influential people who worked and studied there. The children will also learn about significant discoveries and inventions made by Muslim scholars.
There will also be an opportunity for children to study and create Islamic inspired art.
We will complete our unit called ' Reflect, Rewind and Replay.' This will cover a variety of skills, consolidating our learning this year, including listening, appraising and performing.
In addition, the children will learn and rehearse the songs for the KS2 musical.
The children will continue to learn Latin in school. This is an incredibly useful skill with so many languages being derived from Latin.
Mrs Donnelly will also be working on a Latin play with the children. More details to follow...
Design and Technology
This half term links to the Ancient Greeks which we studied during Summer 1. The children will design and make a moving toy linked to a Greek myth. They will investigate and use a cam mechanism to achieve this.
We will also complete our fairtrade snack bars which were planned for half term 4.
We will complete our coding work during this final half term.
In Geography we will focus on mapwork and geographical skills. The children will use a range of digital and paper maps to develop their knowledge and understanding.
Our school trip to Fairhaven on Tuesday 18th June will include a morning of geography field work.
We will complete our work on Relationships and Health Education. Full details of the programme are available at:
School Username: st-johns-fy6
School Password: john-6
Learning log
This half term I would like the children to choose a major world religion other than Christianity and study it in detail. Think carefully about the best way to present your work.
Please submit during the last week of term.
I look forward to supporting and guiding the children in this very busy term. As always, if you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Mr McGrath