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St John's Catholic

Primary School

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St John's Catholic

Primary School

Curriculum Overview including Remote Education

The curriculum is accessible for those with disabilities or special educational needs, in line with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational needs and Disability Regulations 2014.


More information may be found on the Special Educational Needs and Disability Info webpage: 

SEND Info link

Remote education is provided when the Government states school is closed during term time and school would have otherwise been open.

Remote education is not provided when a child is absent due to illness and therefore is too ill to attend school.​​

Our School Curriculum


The National Curriculum is the root of our school curriculum.


We have Meet the Teacher sessions and Reception parent workshops for parents/carers to learn more about their child(ren)'s curriculum.


Our subject leaders for 2024/25 are:

Mr McGrath - R.E, Mathematics, PSHE

Mrs Moseley - English, Phonics

Mrs Ward - Science

Mr Parker - Computing and History

Mrs Donnelly - Geography and Latin

Miss Parkinson - P.E

Miss Appleyard - Music

Mrs Chisnall - Art and Design, Design and Technology





St John's curriculum intends to...

  • provide a Catholic setting in which all children can grow in understanding, acquiring valuable skills, attitudes and values.
  • foster a growth of commitment to the love and service of Christ through the teaching and practices of the Catholic Church.
  • educate the whole child; assisting in the formation of happy, confident, caring, responsible citizens who know themselves and the world in which they live.
  • shape today's children to meet tomorrow's challenges in an ever changing world.
  • address the requirements of the National Curriculum by adequately resourcing curriculum areas and creating a wide range of learning opportunities.
  • strive for the highest possible standards of behaviour and all-round achievement.



St John's curriculum is implemented through...

  • careful mapping of the National Curriculum into meaningful and exciting units of learning.
  • structured sequences of teaching which build upon children’s prior experiences, knowledge and skills whilst introducing new ideas, vocabulary and concepts in a timely way.
  • the opportunity for skills and knowledge to be embedded and revisited.
  • careful ongoing assessment ensuring we respond to the needs of our children.
  • a wide variety of teaching and learning strategies which address children’s individual needs.
  • all leaders sharing their knowledge and expertise to ensure the best outcomes for all our children.
  • inviting visitors, parents and specialist teachers into school to support and enrich our curriculum.
  • working with local theatres, museums and art galleries to engage and inspire all our children.
  • stimulating and welcoming classrooms and the whole school environment.
  • engaging in special themed days/weeks of learning.
  • opportunities for learning beyond the classroom – strong links with home and participation in a wide range of competitions and events in the local area.



We want children to leave St John's...

  • knowing and understanding the teachings of Jesus.
  • as engaged, confident and happy learners who approach challenges with determination and resilience asking for help when necessary.
  • as polite, friendly and caring members of the community.
  • with a love for learning and a wide range of interests.
  • having achieved their full potential in all aspects of learning.
  • with the knowledge, skills and understanding they need for secondary school and beyond.

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