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St John's Catholic

Primary School

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St John's Catholic

Primary School

Autumn 2 Overview

In Year 6, we have probably the biggest and hopefully the best and most hard-working pupils in the school. They are the standard bearers for St. John's. We expect them to exhibit the highest possible standards of behaviour and school work. As this is their final year in primary school, pupils will be encouraged to develop personal organisational skills, self-discipline and a greater degree of independence.


In R.E. we will be following the scheme called 'The Way, the Truth and the Life'. Our topic this term is 'Justice'. Pupils will continue to prepare their own collective worship as well as saying more formal prayers. 


In English, the children will complete their learning about hybrid texts, resulting in a magazine page containing several text types. The children will also focus on detective fiction.

We will study a novel on together and use this for our ‘whole class reading practice’ sessions (Kensuke’s Kingdom). We will concentrate on comprehension, developing our knowledge of vocabulary and inference. As always, the children will work consistently towards a high standard of cursive handwriting.  

Please continue to hear your child read out loud at least 3 times a week and sign their reading records each time. 


In maths we will focus heavily on fractions. We will use our knowledge from half term one of place value and the four number operations to support us. The children will be expected to continue practising their times tables to assist them in their daily learning. Year Six children will also learn about converting units in our measurement topic.


In science we will be studying evolution and inheritance. The children will be looking at how living things have changed over time and that fossils can provide information about these living things. They will also learn about how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment.


In computing, the children will be continuing to develop their websites using a variety of different programmes to do so. They will also focus on internet safety and how to safely search the internet. 


Our history topic this term is World War II. The children will learn about WWII and how it changed lives. They will explore evacuation, rationing and the Blitz.


Our design technology unit will continue from Autumn 1. The children will start to make their cushions for a specific person/ room. They will use a sewing machine and will evaluate their work at the end of the project.  


In P.E., the children will begin a gymnastics unit of work during where they will be focusing on a range of balances. They will also create a dance based on the theme 'heroes and villains'. We also have our two 'Bikeability' dates this term: 14.11 and 21.11. 


As you can see we are going to have a very busy half term. I thank you in advance for your support.


Mrs C Moseley


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