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Primary School

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St John's Catholic

Primary School

Spring Term Overview

Dear Parents,

Here is an overview of the work planned for the Spring Term.



R.E. we will be following our new school scheme called ‘The Vine and The Branches.’ The themes for this term are ‘Galilee to Jerusalem’ and ‘Desert to Garden'. Children will begin to prepare their own liturgies as well as saying the more formal prayers such as ‘The Sign of the Cross’, the ‘Hail Mary’ and the ‘Our Father’. We will be saying grace before and after meals. Please help your child to learn these important parts of our faith. We will be celebrating Harvest, Advent and Christmas with appropriate liturgies, hymns and drama.



Our English work will continue to form a very major part of the school day. Individual ‘Reading Books’ will be sent home daily from our Accelerated Reading program. The children will quiz on these books in school. Children will also bring home a Phonics based reading book. Please sign your child’s reading diary when you have heard them read. It is very important that you hear your child read everyday.  Your child will be reading in school, but not always from their individual ‘Reading’ book. We will be concentrating on developing their written comprehension skills as well as their writing. We will be working on developing a fluent, expressive style of writing for different genres; fiction, non-fiction, poetry and instruction writing. We will also be focusing on the accurate use of a wider variety of punctuation.  We will continue to link spelling and handwriting activities to develop a good cursive handwriting style and it is important that you ensure your child is spelling words correctly particularly the tricky words that cannot be sounded out. 



 In Maths, our number work (both mental and written) will include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. We will be looking at fractions of shapes and of numbers and we will work on the measurement of time, length, height, mass, capacity and temperature. We will be working with money and applying addition and subtraction strategies to real life problem solving activities. We will continue to secure our number bonds to 10, 20 and to 100 as well as apply our 2, 5 and 10 times tables in various problem solving activities.



Our work in Science will be based on animals and humans relating to survival, growth and exercise.  The children will learn that humans have offspring which grow into adults. Find out about and describe the basic needs of humans for survival. Describe the importance of exercise, and eating the right amount of different types of foods. We will also be learning about living things and habitats.  We will be using our local environment to find out about different habitats and the animals and plants that live there.



 In History, children will be developing their  knowledge and understanding of the past by:

Recognising the distinction between present and past in their own and other people's lives.

Identifying some similarities and differences between ways of life in different periods such as Neil Armstrong and the moon landings. 

Know where some people and events fit into a chronological framework by using common words and phrases about the passing of time (before, after, a long time ago)


To tell the difference between past and present in their own and other people’s lives by:

Using and making simple comparisons to parts of stories (such as those about explorers), and features of events (such as the first moon landing).


Recognise that their own lives are different from the lives of people in the past by describing some of the topics, events and people that they have studied.

Recount simple stories accurately and suggest why people and events were important.


Human and Physical Geography

Locational and Place Knowledge

Identify the location of hot and cold areas and study a contrasting locality :- Kenya

Use basic geographical vocabulary to refer to key physical features and key human features (from the key learning).



Use a range of maps and globes (including picture maps) at different scales.

Know that maps give information about places in the world (where/what?).

Recognise simple features on maps e.g. buildings, roads and fields

Recognise that maps need titles.

Recognise landmarks and basic human features on aerial photos.

Ask simple geographical, ‘where?’, ‘what?’, and ‘who?’ questions about the world and their environment e.g. ‘What is it like to live in this place?’

Investigate through observation and description.

Recognise differences between own and others’ lives.


Art and Design Technology


In Art we will  be developing our skills in drawing and collage. We will also be looking at the work of Kurt Schwitters and finding out why he is famous. 


In Design Technology we will be developing our knowledge of nutrition and healthy eating. We will also be planning and making our own healthy sandwiches.





Work this term will include developing basic dance movements to create and perform short sequences independently and with others. We will also be learning basic skills necessary for children to participate in team games including different ways of kicking objects. 



In Music we continue to use Charanga, our online resource.  This term's unit is called "I Wanna Play in a Band!" We will be learning about beat and duration with a focus on Rock Music and Movement. 





In Computing our focus will be on giving instructions, same but different, making predictions, mats and routes,  algorithm designs and debugging.


Computing will continue to be used widely in all areas of the curriculum.






This term's themes will include, "I am Unique," "Girls and Boys," "Clean and Healthy," "Feelings, Likes and Dislikes," "Feeling Inside Out," and "Super Susie Gets Angry." 

We will have the opportunity to explore our feelings and emotions as well as talk about how we are all valued, special and unique.

May I take this opportunity of thanking you in advance and I look forward to your support in this very busy term.

Mrs Ward

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