Summer 2 Overview
For our pupils in Class 6 this is a very busy final term.
The children will be performing in a play at the end of the year called 'Robin and the Sherwood Hoodies’. We are performing our musical at 2pm and 6pm on Monday 1st July and 6pm on Tuesday 2nd July. The class will also be going on a 3-day Residential Activity Visit to Borwick Hall (8th – 10th).
We hope that the children continue to work hard and behave as we expect our oldest pupils to, right until the end of term.
In R.E. we will be following the topic ‘Called to Serve’, which allows us to reflect on being disciples of Jesus, the Sacraments and ways in which we can serve others. Pupils will continue to prepare their own liturgies in addition to this.
In English, we will continue to write for a range of audiences and purposes, with a focus on transition to High School. The novel ‘The 1000-year-old boy’ will be used to support this. The children will continue to use the Accelerated Reader programme to support their developing comprehension skills.
In maths the children will focus geometry, exploring shape. Learning from throughout the year will be consolidated. We will also develop both written and mental strategies for the four number operations, increasing in speed and accuracy.
Our science work will be linked with Personal, Social and Healthy Education where we will be looking at all aspects of health and hygiene e.g. diet, washing, growing up and bodily changes. Children will also learn about the human circulatory system.
In geography the children will focus on developing their map skills.
In computing, the children will learn to use a micro:bit as a sensor to create a working product.
Lessons in R.H.E. will focus on learning about Catholic Social Teaching.
Learning in Latin will consolidate the year and focus more on the written word.
Work planned for P.E. and games will include dance, athletics and rounders.
Many thanks for your continued support during this very busy and important term.
Mrs C Moseley