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St John's Catholic

Primary School

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St John's Catholic

Primary School

PE and Sport Premium for Primary Schools

Evidencing the impact 2024-2025

Evidencing the Impact of the PE and Sport Premium 2023-2024

2023-24 Wyre and Fylde School Sports Partnership Sports Premium Offer

Curriculum Time:

Healthy Heads for all classes

Dance with Kathryn from Phyllis Davies School of Dance - for all Classes

Curriculum Time delivered by Fleetwood Town - Reception 

After School Clubs:  

KS1 Multi Skills - Year 1

Football with Fleetwood Town - Year 5 and 6

Football with Fleetwood Town - KS2 girls

Dance with Kathryn from Phyllis Davies School of Dance and HP - Years 3, 4, 5 and 6

Speed Stacking with Fleetwood Town - Years 3 and 4

KS1 Football with Fleetwood Town - Year 2

Ultimate Frisbee - Y1

Competitions and Events:

KS1 Multi Skills

Year 3/4 Multi Skills

Year 3/4 Girls Football

Netball matches 

Year 5/6 Sportshall Athletics - Poulton Schools

Wyre & Fylde SSP Sportshall Athletics Final

Year 5/6 Football

Poolfoot Affiliation Fee

Dance Festival - Winter Gardens

Dance Competition - Blackpool Tower Ballroom

Mini Olympics - Y4


Lancashire PE Passport Membership

Lancashire PE Passport Conference 

Swimming CPD

PE assessment

PE conference

PE subject leader network meetings

Lee Cadwallader W&FSSP supporting staff

At St John's we recognise the contribution of PE to the health and well-being of our children. In addition, it is considered that an innovative and varied PE curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities have a positive influence on the concentration, attitude and academic achievement of all children.

Our schools funding will enable us to continue and extend our current sports provision by employing additional sports professionals, entering into more competitive sports competitions and training our staff to deliver in-house quality PE sessions.


At St John's School we are spending the additional funding allocated to our school on improving our provision of PE and sport in the following ways:

  • Hiring specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches to work with primary teachers when teaching PE
  • Paying for professional development opportunities for teachers in PE and sport
  • Running additional afterschool clubs with the aim of increasing pupils participation in the School Games
  • Buying quality assured professional development modules and materials for PE and sport
  • Pooling the additional funding with that of other local schools.

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