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St John's Catholic

Primary School

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St John's Catholic

Primary School

Catholic Life of St John's

‘St John’s is an outstanding Catholic School, where the dedication and drive of the headteacher, staff and governors leads to continuous improvement and excellent outcomes for all pupils.’

‘There is a calm and welcoming atmosphere and the pupils demonstrate this in interactions with each other, staff and visitors; consequently, their behaviour is outstanding. The pupils live out their one school rule of ‘Love One Another’ and this is evident with all groups of pupils.’

‘The whole school community has a strong sense of belonging to the Catholic faith. The staff work very effectively to ensure that Christ is at the centre of all they do.’

‘Teaching is outstanding and is effective in enthusing pupils and ensuring that they learn extremely well.’

‘The school deploys support staff very effectively and they regularly take part in the teaching of lessons. They make a significant contribution to the learning and progress of these pupils.’

‘Standards of attainment in RE are excellent… all pupils… make excellent progress’

‘Parents appreciate the work of the school, as shown in the parents’ questionnaires… They state that their children are happy in school and they are happy with the provision of RE in the school.’

As a Catholic School we are deeply committed to developing and enhancing the talents and potential of each child by providing an ethos that reflects the Gospel values and enables each one to grow in faith.


We understand that all children have their own unique relationship with God, for some this has been nurtured and developed within the home, whilst others receive their first awareness of the Church community at school.


For all our children the religious teaching will be the foundation of the entire educational process and the beliefs and values studied will inspire and draw together every aspect of our school community.

Harvest Festival, October 2024

KS2 classes shared liturgies with St Clare's Preston, October 2024

Liturgy morning, September 2024

St John's welcomed pupils from Holy Family, Christ the King, St. Kentigern's, St. Bernadette's, St Teresa's, St. John Vianney, St. Cuthbert's, St Mary's and Cardinal Allen.

Start of year Mass, September 2024

Leavers' Mass, July 2024

Ms Almond's Retirement Mass, July 2024

First Holy Communion, May 2024

Year 5 Pilgrimage to Ladyewell Shrine, April 2024

Easter reflection, March 2024

Ash Wednesday Service, February 2024

KS1 Nativity, December 2023

Carol Service, December 2023

KS2 Big Band and Choir Advent Service, December 2023

Remembrance assembly, November 2023

All Saints mass, 1st November 2023

Harvest, October 2023

Blessing for the new school year, September 2023

Leavers' Mass, July 2023

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Easter reflection, April 2023

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Advent service, December 2022

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