Latest News
Our Netball team played Carleton Green and won 10-9

Our Football A Team got through to the semi-finals in the of the Wyre and Fylde Football Shield competition.

Our dance team are busy practicing for the Wyre and Fylde Dance Festival at the Winter Garden's in Blackpool.

Some of our football team who took part in the Wyre and Fylde League.

Our Netball Team beat Hambleton 15-5

Our Year 5 children have had Playground Pals training in order for them to deliver games and activities for the KS1 children at break times.

Year 2 Football - Autumn 1

Girls' Football Club - This will run in Autumn 1, Spring 2 and the whole of Summer term.

Year 5/6 Football Club - This will run in Autumn 1, Spring 2 and the whole of Summer term.

2024-2025 Sports Crew

We were awarded the 'GOLD' School Games Mark for 2023 - 2024

Some of our clubs

Mindfulness Day - 30 minute session for each class throughout school

Netball League against other Poulton Schools

Sports Hall Athletics Finals at Blackpool Sports Centre

Let Girls Play Football - in school and at Poolfoot for their event

2nd Place at the Wyre and Fylde Blackpool Tower Dance Competition

WINNERS - Sports Hall Athletics at Rossall School Wyre Heat

Poulton Christmas Lights Switch On - Dance

We had Sports Cool to come in and do a taster session with all the children in school. KS1 did ultimate frisbee and KS2 did archery.

Wyre and Fylde Dance Festival at the Winter Garden's

Our Football Team

Our Year 5 Playground Pals testing out their training on the Year 1 children

St. John's Sports Crew 23-24