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St John's Catholic

Primary School

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St John's Catholic

Primary School

Summer 1 Overview

For our pupils in Class 6 this is a very busy term. Not only are they sitting their SATs (week beginning 13/05/24), they are performing in a play at the end of term, going on a 3 day Residential Activity Visit (8th-10th July to Borwick Hall) and taking part in numerous sporting events. We hope they continue to work hard and behave as we expect our oldest pupils to, right until the end of term.


In R.E. we will be following the topic ‘The Transforming Spirit’, which includes the Ascension and Pentecost. Pupils will continue to prepare their own liturgies in addition to this.


In English, we will continue to write for a range of audiences and purposes. The children will continue to use the Accelerated Reader programme to support their developing comprehension skills. They will write their own short story which contains a flashback and look at imagery in poetry.


In maths we will focus on statistics, shape, and position and direction. We will also develop both written and mental strategies for the four number operations, increasing in speed and accuracy.


In history the children will continue to learn about the Anglo-Saxons. In geography the children will continue their learning about North America.


Our science work will focus on living things. The children will learn about the circulatory system, as well as the importance of diet and exercise.


Work planned for P.E. and Games will include athletics and creative games. Key Stage 2 sports afternoon is Monday 20th May with the reserve date being Wednesday 22nd May.


In RHE, children will learn more about their bodies and the gifts and talents that God has given to them.


In computing the children will continue to learn about spreadsheets. They will learn how to use formulas and apply this to planning an event using Excel.


Many thanks for your continued support during this very busy and important term.

Mrs C Moseley

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