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St John's Catholic

Primary School

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St John's Catholic

Primary School

Autumn 2 - 2024



In RE we will reflecting on how we can prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus. We will also be reflecting on the birth of Jesus, Mary’s role in this and how Mary looks after us. After we will be discussing The Story of Christmas.




In PSHE we will listen to short stories that tell us how God Loves Us. 




In English we will start by looking at poems. We will identify the different features and learn to write our own. Our poem theme will be fire and so we will be discussing our different experiences of fire such as fireworks, bonfires and campfires. After our poems we will begin work on a new story, Zog. We will learn all questions marks and begin to use them in our writing.




In Maths the children will be developing their place value knowledge within 20 as well as their addition and subtraction knowledge. We will also be focusing on 2D and 3D shapes.




In Science we will be focusing on everyday materials. We will be learning how to identifying different materials using their properties. We will explore the different materials that can be used to make everyday objects we use. We will also be experimenting the best material to use to fix a broken umbrella.




In History the children will be learning about The Great Fire of London. We will be focusing on looking a London in the past and present and identifying the similarities and differences in life then and now.




In ICT we will continue to develop our online safety knowledge and create class rules for staying safe online.




In Music we will be listening and reviewing different fire-based songs. We will also be learning Nativity songs.




In PE we will be create our own fire dance. We will also be completing the Healthy Heads program delivered by an outside agency.




In Design Technology we will be using levers and sliders to create our own Christmas book cover. We will also be creating winter and Christmas crafts.  

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