Summer Term Overview (To be updated April 2025)
Dear Parents,
Here is an overview of the work planned for the Summer Term.
In R.E. we will be following the whole school topic on ‘Eastertide’ and ‘The Church is born’ which will include Pentecost and Ascension Thursday. Children will continue to prepare their own collective worship as well as saying the more formal prayers.
Our English work will continue to form a very major part of the school day. We will be concentrating on writing, grammar and punctuation. We will be giving high priority to accurate spelling of words with particular emphasis on the Year 2 Common Exception Words. Using the text The Diary of a Wombat, we will be writing diary entries as well as looking at animal facts to help us. We will also be looking at using a well know story the Tiger who Came to Tea for developing description in our writing both fiction and non-fiction. For the second half of the term our English work will be Pirate themed. We will be using fiction and non-fiction Pirate texts as a stimulus for our writing. We will also continue to develop our comprehension; comparing different texts and using inference and deduction to answer questions. The children will be encouraged to express their opinions of texts read. Your child will be reading every day, but not always from their individual ‘Reading’ book. Please make a note of any reading you do with your child in their reading record so that I can praise them for their efforts. We will be linking spelling and handwriting activities to develop a good cursive handwriting style. During this term we will be continuing with our prepared ‘Talks’ which should be your child’s own work. |
In Maths our number work, both mental and written, will include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, particularly focusing on word problems with more than one step. Children will be expected to recall and use 2, 5 & 10 times tables in practical activities with confidence and work towards other tables when they are ready, as well as recognising and ordering numbers to 100 and beyond. Our work will include Position and Direction, Statistics, Fractions, Money and Measurement. We will work on telling the time to five minute intervals using an analogue clock. Please practise telling the time with your child at home. High priority will be given to problem solving and investigations in order to allow the children to develop mathematical thinking skills.
Our work in Science will involve observing and describing how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants. We will learn how plants need water, light and a suitable temperature to grow and stay healthy. We will also be looking at animals and their habitats.
In Geography we will be looking at seaside towns in the UK. We will be focusing on the geographical features e.g. harbours, piers, beaches as well as various landmarks.
In History we are looking at Seasides, past and present. We will be discovering how they have changed over time.
In Art our focus will be on collage, using papers, fabric and materials such as drift wood to create Seaside scenes. This will also link to the uses of everyday materials in previous science work.
Design Technology
In Design Technology we will be investigating puppets. Developing sewing skills and designing and making a sock puppet.
Work planned for P.E. and Games will involve a variety of Athletics activities as well as learning to kick and receive with control and accuracy.
In Music we continue to use Charanga, our online resource. We will be playing tuned and untuned instruments. We will also be composing a simple piece of music, using pictorial representations to record what we have composed.
In computing we are looking at coding. This will involve creating a computer program using an algorithm.
The children will continue their learning in Relationships and Health Education following the scheme, ‘Life to the Full’.
Please have a look at the parent portal for more details -
School Username: st-johns-fy6
School Password: john-6