Year 1
Our Year One Classroom
Miss Appleyard - Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday
Mrs Ronson - Thursday & Friday
TA Support - Mrs Chadwick, Mrs Schulz & Mrs Whitworth
Geography Homework
In Geography, we have been learning about our country, the United Kingdom. We have been exploring the differences between a town and a countryside. For homework, we have designed our own Shoebox Town or Countryside, and displayed them in our class for our parents to see.
A Letter to Father Christmas
We have been writing letters to Father Christmas. We have used tricky words such as 'would,' and tried to include a conjunction in our writing.
In Year One, we 'Choose Our Own Learning.' When we do this, we call it 'COOL.' Take a look at some pictures of us during COOL time!
In RE, we are learning about the Story of Creation. We used different fabrics and small world objects to recreate the 7 Days of Creation.
Take a look back at some of Year One's previous learning ...

Year One have been learning how to control the robots. We have given the Bee-Bots commands such as forwards, backwards, turn left and turn right.
Traditional Tales
This Half Term we have been reading different Traditional Tales. We have looked at Snow White and Cinderella, and completed different activities about the characters and settings in the tales. This week, we are looking at The Three Billy Goats Gruff. We worked in groups to think of a sentence to match each picture from the story, and then used our Think it, Say it, Write it and Check it approach to write the sentences.
Firework Poems
In English we have been exploring the different features in poetry. We have looked at many different poems on the theme of fire. We enjoyed Enid Blyton's Firework Night and identified the rhyming words.
We have created our own poems using our senses. We have thought about what we see, hear, smell, taste and feel on Bonfire Night. Have a look at some of our brilliant writing!
Open Afternoon
Throughout Black History Month we have been learning about Mae Jemison. We know she is significant because she was the first black female to go to space. We thought about what type of rocket Mae might have gone to space in, and made these with our parents and grandparents on Open Afternoon.